Thursday, December 11, 2008

In the doorway of Dillon’s

The last time Tom and Carol were in Ireland, their partners in crime were Marilyn Dillon and Brian Horton, great friends in New Jersey. Back then, they were all delighted to find Dillon’s pub in the small West Cork town of Timoleague.

Our fantasy was that if we stayed in front of the pub long enough, one of Marilyn’s cousins would come out and ask if she’d like to have the pub. While we waited, Brian snapped a classic photo of Marilyn leaning against the door. That photo hangs on the wall of Tom and Carol’s house back in Des Moines.

Because we miss Marilyn and Brian and think of them often, and because we wanted to share a piece of our past with John and Heather, we returned to Timoleague. Carol leaned on the same spot where Marilyn leaned more than a decade ago. A photo was snapped.

Coincidentally, when we visited with Marilyn and Brian, Dillon’s was closed. It was also closed on Wednesday. If Marilyn had been given the pub back then, we know it would have been open.

1 comment:

the editor said...

Why is a pub called Dillon's always closed when she and/or her friends are there? Something's amiss! It still looks like a great place! -- dillon